Horseshoe crab

Bereas horseshoe crab


Welcome to some extraordinary facts about a strange and very old type of crab. Want to know more? Well read on and explore with me. 



Horseshoe crabs have hard, rounded, brownish-green shells in the shape of a horseshoe. They also have a long sharp tail, similar to a stingray. Their eyes look like bumps on the tops of their shells. They have 8 legs an 2 pinchers and that is a lot of legs isn’t it.



Horseshoe crabs live in both shallow estuarine areas and offshore habitats near the contented shelf.



They eat small clams,crustaceans,and worms;however will also eat other animals, even plants like algae.



Horseshoe crabs populations have crashed in recent decades because of overharvesting and habitat loss. 



Horseshoe crabs with ther prehistoric looking body and sharp pincers everywhere and their 8 legs.



Threats to horseshoe crabs include habitat loss and overharvesting. Beach developments hinder horseshoe crab breeding.listed as vulnerable.



Horseshoe crabs are “living fossils” meaning they have existed unchanged for at least 445 million years, well before even dinosaurs existed.



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